Hey guys! This is an information report on Matariki. I have taken the information from my slide deck and put it into an information report structure. Hope you enjoy it.
Matariki Information Report.
By Savanah.
Matariki is a cluster of stars that are also known as the Pleiades. Matariki was created by the Weather God, Tāwhirimātea. He got so angry at the other gods, that he threw his eyes at space, and they were never seen again, but when they hit space, little did the gods know that the eyes had been turned into stars. This was the making of Matariki.
How is Matariki celebrated?
Matariki is a Māori celebration that many other religions and cultures celebrate all across the globe. Matariki is on June 24th every year and is celebrated in different ways. Matariki was celebrated for the upcoming year to prepare grounds for crops to grow in the next seasons. Matariki can also be celebrated for the Legend of how Matariki was made.
The 9 Stars of Matariki.
When Tāwhirimātea threw his eyes into space, they shattered into hundreds of pieces, creating stars. 500 to be exact, but only around 9 stars were visible from the earth, without a telescope. These stars were called Waitī, Waitā, Waipuna - ā - rangi, Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Ururangi, Hiwi - i - te - rangi, Pōhutukawa and Matariki. These stars are the ones visible from the earth without a telescope and are the stars that make up Matariki. The parents of the Matariki Pleidias are Papatuanuku, the Earth Mother and Ranginui, the Sky Father.
Why is Matariki important?
Matariki was very important back when there wasn’t advanced technology, so the Māori used the stars to help navigate and tell the seasons and when to plant crops. The stars were very useful back then when things weren’t so advanced.