Hey guys! This is a blog post on the Google Summit from 2021! Today I will be sharing the things that I have been learning, what was challenging and what I enjoyed the most. I think the most challenging was the Animaker Animation. It was challenging to figure out how to use it and what to do, but I got there in the end!
The most fun toolkit I attended was probably Wedeo and Upgrade your google slides. Wedeo is super fun to make videos, GIFs and more! You can use Wedeo to edit videos and create ones from scratch!
I never knew that you could animate text on google slides! Slide decks just became a whole lot more fun! Animating your text and slides can make your slide decks more interesting. You can the slides fly out of the sky, or make your text zoom in and out! It's super fun, and I think I'll definitely use animated text in my future slide decks.
I learned using Canva with infographics, posters, postcards, slides and more! Canva has taught me that you can do more with your information and be more creative with your knowledge.
I had lots of fun with Google Summit 2021 this year, and hope to do ti again soon!